7 Ways for Finding a Profitable Niche for Affiliate Marketing

  • Thread starter christinapham114
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Finding a profitable niche should be your top priority if you want to step into the field of affiliate marketing. A particular niche market helps you connect better with sponsors and advertising agencies. It also allows you to focus more on your marketing efforts and to quickly grow your audience.

When beginning their search for a niche, inexperienced affiliate marketers frequently feel that they must choose an underserved market or that lucrative niches would be those in which other marketers are not already active. After all, reputable newspapers that devote significant amounts of money each month to content generation, marketing, and SEO tend to cover the most well-liked markets and subjects. Websites with marketing expenditures, such as Healthline or WebMD, can hire groups of freelance writers to provide health-related material. They also invest thousands of dollars in paid advertisements, link building, and other forms of advertising. So it’s wise to say that the average marketer would be unable to compete with these highly experienced companies.

Nevertheless, the mainstream niches are the most effective market niches to target. Currently, these market segments are highly competitive, in great demand, have a lengthy track record, lots of reachable customers, and a wide range of related products, social media groups, websites, and forums. In the unusual event that you discover a niche that other affiliates have passed over, this is often due to low demand, which results in fewer customers, as well as a dearth of products to promote. Even an experienced marketer would find that difficult, let alone a newbie.

By concentrating on an industry sub-niche, such as “healthy living for families” or “health tips for seniors”, you can build a fruitful website and distinguish yourself from the competition. In this method, you may leverage long tail keywords to drive search engine traffic to your website and produce affiliate sales—keywords that the bigger media overlook. This strategy is more logical because you already know there will be earnings to be earned and the niche is evergreen. Here are seven simple ways to find a lucrative niche for affiliate marketing.

Seven Easy Steps on How to Find a Lucrative Niche for Affiliate Marketing​

1. Factor in your own hobbies and interests​

The obvious place to start when looking for niches is from the things that you are personally interested in. You probably already spend money on these items, so you are familiar with consumer thought processes. All you have to do is decide if they can succeed as an online business.


As a saying goes, "choose an occupation that you enjoy and it will never feel like work". Numerous people have been successful in transforming their hobbies into lucrative specialized businesses. For instance, gardening is a very common hobby in the United States. A group of pals who are ardent gardeners own the niche website called SavvyGardening. They often release articles promoting affiliate products and also earn money through Adsense.

With about fifty million participants in 2017, fishing is another well-liked outdoor activity in the United States. To assist prospective fisherman, fishing enthusiast Ed Hitchcock founded the successful niche website called TailoredTackle. The website offers tips on fishing and suggests various tools and supplies to readers. It makes a sizable profit from Google ads, affiliate sales, and the selling of other products.

Create a notepad list of all your interests, and then carefully go through everything. The number of potential niches this uncovers will astound you. Think about your level of expertise in the markets you want to penetrate. There's no need to become an expert. You merely need to know a little bit more than your target audience. If you're going to be writing the content, you should feel competent to do so after having completed your research. Avoid involving yourself with technical topics which you do not fully grasp as it will be difficult to create content frequently.

If you don't already have any interests or pastimes that can be easily turned into a lucrative niche, check out Quantcast's audience behavior platform. Click on the "Top 100" symbol after selecting the explore button in the top right corner of the screen. The top 100 websites currently available online are listed right after that. These websites are too massive to be successfully imitated, hence there is no use in attempting to do so. Instead, move on to the following pages and scan the list of businesses for trends and market segments.

Frequently, you may find a number of websites devoted to the same subject, like travel, although this niche is too broad for affiliate marketing. Fortunately, you can use that broad topic and browse the Quora website. Any topic under the sun can be asked about here, and the community will provide in-depth answers. On Quora, enter your broad specialized topic in the search box and press Enter. This will display a list of queries that other Quora users have posted regarding that subject. These inquiries expose specific subsets of the overall subject you have studied. This should provide you with a ton of useful suggestions for where to concentrate your affiliate marketing efforts.

2. Identify Prospective Ways to Make Money Within the Niche​

Always choose a niche that offers a variety of monetization alternatives so you may create various income streams. This helps to spread out your risk and allow you to continue your business in case one of your affiliate accounts is closed. Start by analyzing the competitors and taking note of the monetization strategies they are employing. Search for your major topic on Google, then browse the first ten to fifteen websites that come up. The ideal way to fund these websites is through sponsored content, Google advertisements, Amazon items, and/or exclusive membership spaces, etc.

Visit Amazon next to learn more about the products that can be promoted by affiliates in the niche. To show products that are appropriate for your audience, select the appropriate category from the left-hand side. These ought to be top-notch goods that you feel confident suggesting. Additionally, search other affiliate networks like ClickBank, Commission Junction, and Offervault for comparable products. You must confirm that the niche offers a large range of products for promotion.

Due to the vast amount of users on the network, ClickBank in particular is a fantastic website to check. Click the marketplace symbol at the top of the screen to start researching a niche topic. You could begin by typing in your industry's name in the search box given. This will highlight a few intriguing sub-niches. Study the menu on the website's left side as well, however, as it contains lists of topics that have already been carefully chosen.

The results will be shown after you have typed in your industry or chosen your category in the search area. The product details are displayed on the right side of the page, and you can filter the search results on the left. Each item on this list is one that you might consider promoting as an affiliate. The 'Gravity' filter works well for sorting the results. This indicator shows the number of affiliates who recently received commissions for advertising the products. Look closely at the products provided to see if any of them seem suitable for your audience.

3. Evaluate the competition and search volume for the niche​

As previously mentioned, it is preferable to stay away from niches with little rivalry because they typically have little earning potential. It's crucial to avoid making the simple but common mistake of confusing keyword research with niche analysis. Because you're trying to score highly for these terms, you want to choose keyword phrases with low to medium competition. With niche analysis, your aim is to discover whether the niche can generate income on its own.

A smart place to start your search is SEMrush. This program will perform two actions when you enter the broad term for your niche. First off, it shows a ton of additional keywords that are relevant to your topic and can aid in your analysis. Second, it displays information about your chosen keyword's keyword difficulty, cost per click, and search volume. Depending on the authority of the websites currently holding the top 10 search results positions, the keyword difficulty (KD) reflects how challenging ranking for a certain keyword is. Cost per click (CPC) reveals the typical amount of money advertisers are willing to spend on a single keyword click. The number of times a keyword is searched on Google is indicated by the search volume.

The best keywords for your niche are those with a CPC of at least $2 and a minimum search volume of 10,000. This demonstrates that the subject is well-liked enough to produce sizable returns and that advertisers are willing to pay a respectable sum to have their ads displayed for these search terms. You may be certain that there are profits to be gained there if many of the top keywords in your niche have a high CPC. Marketers must be making a lot of money if they are paying a few dollars each click without a promise of a sale. Undoubtedly, another challenge is attaining high rankings for these terms in Google's organic search results.

4. Calculate the Number of Available Traffic Sources​

This step's significance cannot be emphasized. For the sustainability of your internet business, you must ascertain whether your niche has a wide variety of traffic sources. Looking at the most popular websites in your chosen niche and determining where they receive their traffic is the best approach to achieve this. A useful tool for examining the traffic origins of various websites is SimilarWeb. Keep track of whether the top websites are mostly being found through search engines or through social media as well.

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In fact, according to studies, only 31% of blog entries are found by search engines. The remaining ones are found via recommendations, email lists, social networks, etc. Search Facebook for Facebook Groups that are relevant to your audience's interests. Once you've found your niche keyword, click the Groups button to view the communities that are relevant to it. If there are groups in your niche that are active, you can draw users to your website by joining them and contributing to their discussions. Nothing prevents you from starting and expanding your own Facebook Group.

After Google, Youtube is the world’s second largest search engine, so it’s understandable to see if your prospects appear there. Building and growing a youtube channel takes time, however many highly searched subjects and keywords are reachable, because video creation is more challenging. If you do not utilize this platform right away, you should keep it in mind for future’s use. Discussion websites such as forums and Reddit can be a good channel for traffic as well. Check whether any dialogues related to your niche are taking place on these sites. If they are, this is another potential source for traffic. However, your top priority should be to decide how you can grow a list of dedicated email subscribers, so you can send traffic to your website.

These are all major issues to point out, because a niche affiliate website whose traffic sources are limited also has limits in growth potential. More than likely, search engine traffic will be your principal traffic channel, however you should find out other alternatives as well to build a stable and low-risk business. Good affiliate marketers do not rely on only one source of traffic.

5. Look for Market Deficiencies You Can Make Use Of​

To earn profits from your selected niche, your website content must be superior to the content on other websites. In order to do this, you should decide where the content created by your competitors has faults, and think of new ways to improve it. First off, read the content released by the top websites in your industry and take notes of any problems with it. Then, think about how you could improve it. For example, you might be able to include more photos, GIFs, or videos, GIFs to make the content stand out from your competitors. Alternatively, perhaps you could create more details for the content by writing some case studies and detailed examples.

Additionally, the top websites could leave out some important issues related to a topic. Reading the blog comments on these sites is a useful way to spot these omissions. The unfavorable reviews of niche-related books on Amazon can reveal the kinds of content that your audience likes to read.

6. Check for Websites That Have Already Been Sold or Successful Acquisitions

A pretty good indicator of a niche's value is the number of profitable companies or websites built around it. If blogs, online stores, and other websites related to your niche are frequently bought, it shows that this is a profitable niche. In order to find this, go to Flippa, a sizable online marketplace, and search for the keyword that best describes your niche, such as "muscle building."

Filter the results by "Monthly Profit" and enter a minimum of $1K per month to discover the profits that various websites are making. Choose "ClickBank" and "Amazon" from the "Monetization" drop-down box if you are only interested in websites that make money through affiliate marketing. Upon clicking the "search" icon, a list of the Flippa websites up for auction will appear. If you'd like, you may order the results by "highest-to-lowest price." You can examine the websites' success factors and performance metrics here. You may also pinpoint potential areas for growth for the websites.

Your niche analysis can substantially benefit from this information because it identifies the various niches that people are using to generate sizable amounts of money. The earnings that can be made in truly unusual sectors will astound you. Make sure to write down any insightful suggestions you encounter. Look for websites that you personally find appealing and that recently sold for a high price. There is no reason why you can't do the same if someone else can build a successful website in a certain area and sell it for a significant profit.

Empire Flippers is a great resource for finding websites and ecommerce businesses for sale. You can use the marketplace on this website to look for specific keywords and then filter the results to see recent sales of recently sold businesses and websites. Empire Flippers lists these websites' selling prices and monthly profits without disclosing their URLs. Additionally, by selecting a listing, you may view a wealth of details about a website, including its monthly visitors, revenue, target market, and income/traffic sources, among other things. By analyzing this information, you can determine the exact earnings of several websites in your sector and how quickly you can replicate their success.

7. Identify your USP​

Before making your final decision about what type of niche that you will build your affiliate website upon, keep in mind one last thing. Think about your creative angle. How do you stand out from numerous other websites? How do people remember you? In highly competitive niches, this aspect is particularly important.


Try to write a story that raises the interest of your site visitors. For example, thousands of websites have been built around the niche “Make Money Online”, however, thanks to the story of its owner, MyWifeQuitHerJob connects with its audience better than the majority of other websites. The same thing happens to SmartBlogger, which is another great website in this niche that has an amazing story that attracts people.

Additionally, you can set your website apart by enhancing its visual appeal or establishing yourself as an authority in a subset of your niche. Brian Dean, the founder of Backlinko, entered the SEO market rather late, but by creating extremely insightful material, he transformed his website into a top SEO resource. The fact that BestReviews rigorously tests and evaluates products before publishing reviews distinguishes it from other review websites. As a result, their visitors are more likely to believe their reviews than those on a typical affiliate website that publishes generic ratings based on minimal study.

You must find a way to stand out from the crowd by forging a distinctive identity. Your chosen market segment should naturally support this procedure. Your audience will be more likely to buy the goods you're promoting in this way.

Finding a Profitable Niche - Final Word​

Finding profitable niches, determining whether they are worthwhile to enter, and then producing high-quality material that helps your prospects solve their problems and establishes you as an independent affiliate specialist. By this point, hopefully, you've realized that it's not as difficult as most people think. Always keep in mind that there is no such thing as a "saturated niche". Profits may always be made by using a unique strategy or just outperforming the competition. Roll up your sleeves, consider the above suggestions, and begin looking for a profitable niche right now rather than feeling discouraged. Make no mistake, a profitable affiliate niche is on your way.
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